Moss Growth On Your Cedar Roof? How To Handle It…

Moss Growth On Your Cedar Roof? How To Handle It.

Moss Growth On Your Cedar Roof

Moss Growth: Cedar roofing is a popular investment for property owners. Cedar’s rustic look is an excellent way to mix your home with the surrounding colors of nature. Cedar roofing systems also provide excellent protection from the changing seasons and more severe weather patterns like storms and rain. Even though cedar has many wonderful qualities like longevity and natural beauty, if not cared for it can be susceptible to moss and fungal growth – which should be taken care of as soon as possible.

What Are Some Ways to Prevent Moss Growth?

Residences that are heavily shaded or in warm, damp climates tend to experience moss development regularly than homes in dry environments. To remain dry, cedar wood requires airflow.  Without this natural ventilation, wood becomes susceptible to moss and mold growth. The number one way to keep your cedar roof moss free is to remove debris regularly. Debris on your cedar roof can trap moisture and damp air, causing your cedar roof to grow fungus. Cutting back branches from hanging over the roof, and preventing rubbing between a branch and the roof system will also keep the roof dryer in a more uniform way. Shady spots and areas that touch trees are more likely to grow moss as they have an interrupted air flow. Zinc and copper have actually likewise been typically used to prevent moss development on cedar roofing structures. Some experts advise applying copper ridge flashing to prevent moss development. Others may advise installing zinc strips on your roof. The strips are usually 2 inches of zinc metal installed uniformly over the surface area of the roof. They launch zinc molecules that keep moss from developing after it rains.
Moss growth should be treated by a professional
Moss growth should be treated by a professional

How Do I Treat Moss Growth?

If you see moss on your roof, there are a couple of ways to remove it.  Remember that cedar roofing systems need treatments for moss growth unlike their asphalt, slate, metal, or tile counterparts. Cedar roofing requires special cleaning as it is a natural and organic material. It is important that the product you choose to clean the moss growth does not damage or weaken the cedar itself. Some moss or fungi development you may see are dark, brown or black spots that weaken shakes or shingles. These kinds of organic growth will degrade cedar roofs much faster than a lot of other roofing issues. If you notice moss or fungis growing on your roof, call a professional to clean it off and check to see if you need other cedar roof repairs. Specialist roof cleaners can utilize a high-pressure washer to clear the growth from your roof. After cleaning up the moss, a specialist may use water-based sealing oil. This preservative replaces the cedar’s natural oils that might have leaked out over time and will help keep the moss growth from returning. Chosen for you: 6 Things That Impact A Cedar Shake Roof Life Expectancy
Moss growth can ruin a beautiful cedar roof
Moss growth can ruin a beautiful cedar roof

When Should I Start Moss Avoidance and Treatments?

If you reside in the Chicagloand area the best time to prevent future fungus growth is before autumn rains begin, and definitely before the winter snow. During this time, think about hiring an expert to clean moss from your roofing. Cedar roofs respond best to moss removal and cedar roofing maintenance when the temperature is consistently above 50 degrees. This temperature level permits the cedar material to thaw, releasing the moss spores so they can be eradicated and allowing the wood to soak up more of the preventative and preservative oils. You might have to utilize preservative treatments throughout the year if you live in a location with persistently warm, damp temperature levels. Look for moss treatment from an expert every six to eight years to ensure that your cedar roofing system lasts its full lifespan. With appropriate treatment, your cedar shakes or shingles must last between 40 and 60 years or longer.
A cedar roof contractor can apply preventative treatment for moss growth
A cedar roof contractor can apply preventative treatment for moss growth

What Occurs If I Don’t Clean Off the Moss Growth?

Wood naturally soaks up water. When homeowners do not employ a professional to clean up the moss off of their roofing systems, the moss increases the quantity of moisture that makes contact with the cedar roofing. If left unattended, this moss development can rot or decay the cedar wood on your roofing system. If the moss growth is severe enough this can lead to leaks, structural damage, and other problems that will only get more expensive over time – including the need for a cedar roof installation.

Call A.B. Edward Enterprises Inc.

A.B. Edward Enterprises Inc. can easily help you care for your cedar roof as well as treat and prevent moss growth. For over 15 years we have proudly served the Chicagoland area with an unblemished BBB rating of A+. If you have noticed moss growth or fungus on your roof contact us today! Don’t have a cedar roof but still need some roofing help? We provide maintenance, repairs, and installation for a variety of roofing materials – so feel free to contact us for more information about our full range of roofing services.  

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