6 Things That Impact A Cedar Shake Roof Life Expectancy

Cedar shake repair companies can restore your roof to good condition

All About Cedar Shake Roof Life Expectancy

Life expectancy of a Cedar Roof — The average cedar roof should last 20 to 40 years and can possibly last longer with proper maintenance. Cedar roofs are durable, eco-friendly, and a popular and stylish choice for many Chicagoland homeowners. Several factors should be considered with regards to installing a cedar roof and caring for it to extend its life expectancy. Read on to learn which ones could affect your potential purchase.

We serve the Chicagoland area with 5 star high-quality cedar roofing services!

cedar shake roofing installation
cedar shake roofing installation

1) Warranty

Manufacturers’ warranties on cedar roofs can range from 15 to 30 years, and occasionally the regular life span of the roof. The warranty simply means the manufacturer will provide some reimbursement if the product fails during this time frame. This does not always mean a complete replacement or repair so make sure you take the time to read the fine print to learn what costs you will be responsible for under the terms of the warranty.

2) Building Materials

Before settling on a specific product or brand, consumers should do some research on the quality and durability of materials. To be sure that your new roof is made of materials that will be protected in the face of a disaster, make sure the material meets current underwriting standards with the insurer that carries your policy as some materials are deemed safer than others by insurance companies. If a roofing contractor recommends a product, make sure it has a solid reputation. If you are adding a new feature to your home along with a cedar roof installation such as a rooftop heating/air-conditioning unit, skylight, or satellite dish, learn about the changes in maintenance this will make for your roof and for the feature itself. If there are extra steps make sure to follow them to get the best return out of your investment.

3) Wood Rot

Wood rot that goes untreated and unchecked and decrease the life expectancy of your cedar roof. Wood rot is a type of decay that occurs when the moisture level of the wood is above 20% which allows for fungi to form and start to cause damage. Some woods, however, are naturally resistant to wood rot; they include redwood, western cedar, and cypress. If these woods, however, are not protected with a waterproof coating, over time they can be affected by wood rot just as easily as other woods. It’s important to make sure your cedar roof is quality wood that has been treated to prevent wood rot from setting in and damaging your home.
Cedar Roof Installation
Cedar Roof Installation

4) Location of Home

Some roofs may deteriorate quickly solely because of the location of your home. Chicago weather can be tough on any home exterior, particularly roofs. Hot, humid, summers that transition to bitterly cold and icy winters can cause the wood to expand and contract and possibly crack. UV damage from the sun can also take years off the life expectancy of a roof if it is not well maintained. Luckily, cedar is a very durable material and with regular checks, roof repairs, and maintenance it can last for decades.

5) Maintenance of Wood Coatings

Using paint or another waterproof coating on the surface of the wood is important to protect it from the elements. Make sure to ask your contractor what they think the best option for a sealant or coating is to ensure you extend the life expectancy of your roof as much as possible. The most costly mistake homeowners make is thinking that once they have put on the roof, they don’t have to do anything else, don’t fall into this trap! Make sure that you schedule regular, usually annual cedar roofing maintenance to keep your roof at its best!

6) Water Damage

Water is the main culprit for severe roof damage – and if left unchecked can cause irreparable problems and require a costly roof replacement earlier than expected. When installing your cedar roof, if you want the best life expectancy, hire a quality contractor who will ensure all surfaces are properly slanted and sealed. After the roof is installed check when it rains that small puddles are not forming, if they are, call to schedule some maintenance right away to keep your home safe from water damage. Recommended for you >> 5 Key Services A Cedar Roof Replacement Company Should Offer The life expectancy and durability of a cedar roof easily surpasses that of a regular asphalt roof with proper maintenance. However, if you have an asphalt, slate, or synthetic roof, we can still easily help you! We offer roofing services on a variety of materials! If you are interested in installing a cedar roof contact us today for a FREE Estimate!