Is A Roof Replacement Worth It?
A roof replacement is expensive, time consuming, and not something most homeowners want to go through with. Sometimes though, a roof replacement is necessary if your house is to stay in one piece.Yes! It’s Worth It!
If a professional roofing contractor tells you that you need a new roof, it’s a good idea to take their advice. A new roof is needed when your old roof is too damaged to keep doing roof repair on anymore. Not replacing your roof can mean big trouble for the rest of your house. A roof that is too damaged to continue doing its job is likely can end up costing you more! Damaged roofs allow in moisture and roof leaks. This moisture can get into the actual structure of your house and make it unstable and even dangerous. Apart from roof leaks, moisture can also cause mold, which causes all sorts of illnesses. Getting a roof replacement will help you prevent further damage to your house. The more damage that is sustained from a roofing problem, the more expensive it is likely to be – particularly when it might be structural damage!
Increase Your Home Value
It’s also worth getting your roof replaced because a new roof increases the value of your home. A new cedar roof installation increases curb appeal and monetary value. The warm and natural colors of a cedar roof replacement are sure to catch everyone’s eye and boost the appeal of your house. Roofing inspectors, when appraising the value of a house, like to see new roofs in excellent condition. Cedar has a reputation for being strong, long lasting, and eco-friendly. This positive reputation So if you are thinking of selling your home soon, then a roof replacement is a great idea too! Be sure to see our 4 Key Cedar Roof UpKeep Tips.
A.B. Edward Enterprises, Inc.
A.B. Edward Enterprises, Inc. is one of Chicagoland’s top companies for roofing services. We have served over 5500+ customers with everything from installation to roofing maintenance. If you are considering installing a new roof, need advice on if you need a new roof, or even just want some help maintaining your roof, contact us for an appointment!
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