Which Roofing Material Do I Pick?

Which Roofing Material Lasts The Longest?

Roofing Material: Buying a home is a big decision and it’s a good idea to think about all the different aspects of your home and get expert advice so that you get only the best quality materials as well as the materials that fit your actual needs. This includes your roof because as it covers the rest of your house and also contributes to its aesthetic and look – therefore impacting home value and curb appeal. Picking the right roofing material for your roof will ensure that it lasts longer and does not need roof replacements frequently.

Why Should I Get An Expert Evaluation?

Getting specific roofing materials and hiring an expert may sound expensive in the moment, but given that appropriate roofing material that is well cared for will last you decades – it will be worth the cost and pay itself off in the long run. Cedar roof repairs can be costly and roof replacement even more so, thus it’s better to just get the right roof in the first place, installed correctly the first time!
Asphalt is the most common roofing material
Asphalt is the most common roofing material

Asphalt Shingles

While asphalt shingles present a pretty picture, offer many customizable color and texture options, and are also waterproof they do not typically last longer than 15-30 years. They are cheap to buy and install compared to other roofing materials and if you consider the cost of roof replacement it may be overall a cheaper buy, but may leave your home less efficiently protected. Read more about all of our roofing services here >> Roofing Installation and Repair Services

Clay Tile Roofs

Clay tiles for roofing have been popular for centuries as can be seen on old houses in several areas of the country – they can very well last for decades. Modern innovations make it possible for them to be even more long lasting than before so that while you may require the occasional roof repair you won’t need a full roof replacement any time soon. This material does require some upkeep throughout the course of its life, and in some cases the repairs can be costly – so talk to a contractor about if clay is a good investment for you.
Metal's reputation for durability has increased it's popularity
Metal’s reputation for durability has increased it’s popularity

Metal Roofing

Metal as a roofing material has been gaining in popularity for the last few years and with good reason as metal is highly durable. In fact, now that there are more high-quality finishes metal roofs don’t rust or corrode as often as they did before. With a good quality metal roof you can be sure you won’t need a roof replacement in your lifetime! However, metal can be more susceptible to high impact damage – so if tree branches are near your home, you may want to check with your contractor about whether this is a good fit for you.
For a timeless classic, slate is a great option
For a timeless classic, slate is a great option

Slate Roofing

Slate is a kind of stone and as can be expected from stone lasts a very long time, at least 200 years to be precise. Installing slate roofing can be expensive but given that it’s likely you will not need to replace it, it’s worth the expense and gives a luxurious finish. Do be aware though that slate is one of the heaviest roofing materials on the market, and can require extra supports on the house and discuss this with your contractor!
Cedar is one of our specialities, and one of the most beautiful options for a roofing material
Cedar is one of our specialties, and one of the most beautiful options for a roofing material

Cedar Roofing

Popular in some areas of the states since the 1700s, cedar is a great roofing material middle ground for cost, quality, and aesthetic! Cedar is energy efficient and beautiful – and has been growing in popularity in the Chicago area. Cedar lasts for decades with proper care and ages gracefully – though it will require some special maintenance to prevent fungal damage from setting in. However, this material requires very specific and specialized cedar roofing installation tools and training so it’s not great for DIY-ers! Which type of roofing material you select depends on your current need and budget but getting long lasting roof material is a good idea to avoid hassle and further expense in the long run. Be sure you talk about how your roof is pitched, what sort of weather you experience and if there is risk of impact damage, as well as the health of your roof structure with your roofing contractor. Be sure you also discuss cedar roofing maintenance if you decide to choose cedar to ensure it lasts a long time. More picked for you >> Advantages of Having a Cedar Shake Roof

A.B. Edward Enterprises, Inc.

For over 15 years A.B. Edward Enterprises, Inc. has been serving the Chicagoland area with its top roofing services. With an unblemished A+ rating from the BBB and over 5500+ happy customers served – we have lots to be proud of! Our teams are focused on customer service, making sure that each job is carried out as close to perfect as possible with only the highest quality materials. Choosing A.B. Edward Enterprises, Inc. means you are choosing a reliable, local, and quality company that is ready to help you get the best roofing possible for your home. If you have been considering a new roofing material installation, roofing repair, or even just some regular maintenance, contact us to set up an appointment.

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