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Contact Us to schedule CEDAR ROOF INSPECTION and we will prepare a report with pictures and a description of your roof condition.

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Licensed, Insured and Bonded.
Verified Illinois Roofing License #: 104-014825
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Cedar Roofing Contractor

Call us today: (847)-827-1605

A.B. Edward Enterprises Inc. is proud to offer a variety of services for homeowners who are interested in or already own a cedar roof in the Chicagoland area. Cedar roofs require specialized care and attention, and we are honored to be one of Chicagoland’s top cedar roofing companies. When it comes to cedar shingle and shakes, we only use the world’s highest grade wood products for your home. 

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We have been an established roofing company since 2003 and have performed over 36,000+ projects in the Chicagoland area. We stand behind the quality of our work!

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When it comes to roofing, we are the leader in professional installation, repair / preservation and maintenance. We work with both natural and synthetic styles

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We also provide installation and repair services for solar, slate, synthetic, metal, asphalt shingles and flat roofing exteriors. We cover every type of material. 

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Our precise attention to detail puts our cedar roof installations above the rest. Our roofing crews go above and beyond every project! They are highly skilled, professional and educated on cedar roofing.

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As cedar shake shingles age, you get feathering, breakage, erosion, and holes from erosion that expose the underlayment, which in turn will dry out and crack, creating penetration points for moisture.

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Wood shingles are susceptibility to rotting, splitting, and warping, proper maintenance and care can minimize these limitations. Let our experts preserve your homes most valuable asset. 

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Prompt, Professional and On-Time

The company was on time, polite and efficient. They did a prompt, professional job and finished our cedar roof replacement on time. They have their act together and care. I would highly recommend them.

Jeremy N. (Glenview, IL)

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We Love Our New Cedar Roof

AB Edward was professional, with excellent communications throughout the entire project. The team arrived, tore down the existing roof to the wood, and replaced the cedar roof and all ancillary components in one day. They were careful of neighbors’ property and cleaned up all debris upon completion of the job!

Dana T. (Winnetka, IL)

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Excellent Cedar Shake Repair Job!

So impressed with the professional services they offer. They took care of my cedar roof repair on my home in a timely manner and kept us on-time and within our budget. Highly recommended for your roofing repairs!

Omar K. (Hinsdale, IL)

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